Privacy Policy

Privacy policy and protection of personal data

Visiting this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information about himself. In the event that the user provides some personal information by filling in and sending forms, the data collected on this website will be used for the purposes, in the manner and with the limitations and rights set forth in the Organic Law 3 / 2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, as well as with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46 / CE (General Data Protection Regulation or RGPD), and as explained and detailed in this policy protection of personal data.

This website will expressly request you to read and expressly accept this privacy and data protection policy in compliance with the provisions of current regulations, and you as a user, by selecting the boxes enabled for this purpose. On this website, prior to sending your personal data, you will confirm to ANIMIVIS SL that you have read, understood and accepted the privacy and data protection policy. In case you are not satisfied, do not accept the boxes and contact ANIMIVIS SL through another channel.

In compliance with the provisions of these regulations, ANIMIVIS SL is responsible for the files, and as such informs you, that your personal data collected through the website will be subject to secure treatment in our systems. You are informed that both this website and the files and systems of ANIMIVIS SL are protected with computer security measures that prevent their free access, and guarantee that both access and treatment are safe, confidential, anonymous and in accordance with security regulations information technology established by the LOPDGDD and the RGPD, said security measures are adequate, necessary and proportionate to guarantee that there are no unauthorized accesses or system security violations.

The purposes of the requested data, which are incorporated into the files managed by ANIMIVIS SL are:

  1. Answer your request for information. In this sense, by sending the contact form, you expressly authorize our sales department to use the data provided by you in the contact questionnaire to contact you, request additional information and answer your request, being able to send you all the information of the type commercial that you have requested.
  2. Be incorporated into our file of “web contacts” which is a temporary file, whose purpose is to securely manage your request, and your contact information. The contact data will be automatically deleted from the file if you request it, or if a contract is formalized between the parties, in which case, they will be incorporated into other files of a permanent nature.
  3. Being incorporated into our file of “commercial management” with the acceptance of this privacy policy, you expressly accept that you wish to receive commercial information. In this case, the email provided by the user may be used for advertising and commercial purposes, with the acceptance of this data protection policy, it is expressly consented that ANIMIVIS, S.L. can send you advertising and / or information about our services and the news that occurs and that we consider may be the object of your interest either by email or any other form of delivery.

If the data collected is used for a different purpose for which it was collected or collected, the express and prior consent of the interested parties will be required.

In compliance with the provisions of these regulations, ANIMIVIS, SL as the File Manager informs you that your personal data collected through the Website will be subject to automated processing in our files duly registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection with the purposes detailed above.

The data provided may be transferred to third parties for the sole purpose of managing the request made by the user and for compliance with our legal obligations (agency, collaboration with Public Authorities and Administrations, etc.), ANIMIVIS, S.L. guarantees that the assignees of the data have the same or higher level of security for the treatment of the data than that of ANIMIVIS, S.L. and that there is a prior contract that regulates the security of said assignment.

ANIMIVIS SL expressly informs you that it does not carry out international data transfers.

We will proceed to cancel and delete the data collected when they are no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which they were collected, or when you, as a user, request it in accordance with your right to cancel.

Once you request the cancellation of your data in exercise of your data protection rights or the data is no longer necessary or relevant for the purpose for which it was collected, or has been inactive for a period of more than one year, ANIMIVIS , SL It will transfer them to a file of a temporary nature and protected with computerized anonymization and confidentiality systems, whose purpose is only to keep the data without processing it to comply with its legal obligations for the time that is established in the different regulations for the purposes of mandatory conservation.

As a user and interested party, and by virtue of your right to information, in this section we expressly inform you that you are the owner of the rights indicated below, and which are respected by ANIMIVIS, SL in the processing of your data from personal character:

  • Right of access: By virtue of the right of access, the data subject may obtain from the data controller information related to specific data, included in a certain file, or to all of their data subjected to treatment. This right constitutes the pillar of the rights that the affected person has, since they are granted a right to know the data subjected to treatment, and therefore, make possible their power of control over the data, in this way, the interested party is empowered to know the information related to his person that appears in databases and automated files or not.
  • Right of rectification: it is the right of the affected party to modify the data that prove to be inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right of cancellation: The exercise of the right of cancellation will lead to the deletion of the data that prove to be inappropriate or excessive, without prejudice to the blocking duty in accordance with the provisions of current regulations.
  • Right of opposition: it is the right of the affected party not to carry out the processing of their personal data or to cease it in the cases provided for in current regulations.
  • Right of transparency: All processing of personal data must be lawful and fair. For natural persons, it must be completely clear that personal data concerning them is being collected, used, consulted or otherwise processed, as well as the extent to which said data is or will be processed.
  • Right to be forgotten: The interested party will have the right to obtain without undue delay from the person responsible for the treatment the deletion of the personal data that concerns him, who will be obliged to delete the personal data without undue delay when any of the circumstances provided for in the regulations occur valid.
  • Right to limitation of treatment: The interested party will have the right to obtain from the person responsible for the treatment the limitation of the treatment of the data when the conditions provided in the current regulations are met.
  • Right to data portability: The interested party will have the right to receive the personal data that concerns him, that he has provided to a data controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit them to another data controller without being prevented by the person responsible for providing them.

All the previous rights, as well as those that may arise in accordance with current regulations on data protection, either at national or EU level, even if they are not included in the previous list, are respected by ANIMIVIS, S.L.

Such rights will be exercised:

  • By the affected party, proving their identity, as provided in the following section.
  • When the affected person is in a situation of disability or minority that makes it impossible for him to exercise these rights, they may be exercised by his legal representative, in which case it will be necessary for him to prove such condition.
  • Rights may also be exercised through a voluntary representative, expressly designated for the exercise of the right. In this case, the identity of the represented party must be clearly proven, by providing a copy of his National Identity Document or equivalent document, and the representation conferred by him.

The general conditions for the exercise of rights are:

  • Rights are independent rights, in such a way that the exercise of any of them cannot be understood as a prerequisite for the exercise of another.
  • The exercise by the affected of their rights will be free.

The exercise of the rights must be carried out by marking the box enabled for this purpose in each of our emails (newsletter) that has automatic effects, or, if you prefer, by means of communication addressed to the person responsible for the file, by mail post to our offices located in Barcelona, street Santander nº 49-51 or email to [email protected].

ANIMIVIS, SL expressly informs that all the necessary technical and organizational measures within our reach have been adopted to guarantee the security and integrity of the data, as well as to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

The data requested on the Website are mandatory. The refusal to provide the requested data will mean the non-provision or the impossibility of accessing the service for which they were requested, since if you do not provide them, nor do you give your express consent for their treatment, this part would not be complying with its legal obligations derived from current regulations for the Protection of Personal Data.

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